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23d ago

Layouts throwing error

As soon as I add a layout I get an error when trying to embed Rive in webpage.

canvas@2.9.0:1513 RuntimeError: null function or function signature mismatch
    at rive.wasm:0x7f937
    at rive.wasm:0x6185a
    at rive.wasm:0x89222
    at rive.wasm:0x8432f
    at rive.wasm:0x84793
    at canvas@2.9.0:85:52
    at canvas@2.9.0:56:105
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at h.load (canvas@2.9.0:56:24)
    at Rive.<anonymous> (canvas@2.9.0:1559:59)

Using Chrome but same in Firefox, Edge...

Code I'm using to embed:

<canvas id="canvas" width="1200" height="400"></canvas>
    <script src=""></script>
        const r = new rive.Rive({
          src: "ets-header.riv",
          canvas: document.getElementById("canvas"),
          autoplay: true,
          stateMachines: "timeline1",
          onLoad: () => {

1 reply
19d ago

It looks like you're using an older version of the runtime. Can you try it with the latest: 2.25.3?