Glitch from Lottie Import
When I import a Lottie file created with after effect, everything is fine.
But sometines, when I close and open Rive again, my vector graphics are totaly wasted.
Any Idea about the problem ?
I'm using Rive app on Windows.
Thank you.
You mean shape in the bottom right was a heart and now looks like that? Strange. Have you tried going back in your revision history to see if a previous version of the icons still work? Either way, can you send me the .rev file so I can take a closer look?
Hi Lance,
Yes the upper line is the good shape, and the lower line is the result after a restart. Revision history doesn't solve the problem.
Please find the rev file here
Thank you.
We just pushed a version that hopefully fixes the issue with imported lotties:
Can you try reimporting to see if this fixes the issue moving forward?