Flutter can‘t package Android app that include the new feature 'Layout' riv
Application scenarios:
My rive file contains a recent new feature 'Layout', which can automatically adjust the size of the frame based on the length of my text.
Encountered problems:
When Flutter developers package, they use the latest version of Flutter dependency (V13.20). The packaging of IOS programs went very smoothly ✔; But when packaging Android programs, it will report an error ✖。
Attempted solution:
When I remove 'Artboard with Layout' in the rive editor, Android can package it smoothly
There is an issue with your Flutter dependency (for Android), please update the Flutter dependency.
Sorry, the Flutter runtime is a bit behind. We're working on releasing the new Rive Renderer for the Flutter runtime, which will mean using the same underlying C++ runtime and renderer that is currently used in the Editor. I’ll keep you posted when this gets released.
Okay~I am looking forward to new flutter runtime.
I've discovered another issue specific to the Flutter runtime, which I've reported in a separate post. It concerns the Flutter dependency not supporting the 'Capture Base State' property. If the Flutter dependency is updated, will this issue also be addressed?