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1m ago

Desktop app is crashing when adding Text wrapped in a Layout as Nested Artboard


From the last update yesterday (v.0.8.2169), the desktop app is crashing on windows, when I try to add a nested artboard of text wrapped in a layout. Seems to work fine on the web app and when the text is not wrapped in a layout.

Attached is the .rev file.


476 KB
2 replies
1m ago

This is crashing in my Mac app as well. The problem appears to be related to the Weight property in the Text Modifier. As soon as I delete that, it's everything is fine. I'm also able to reproduce the issue in a brand new Rive file, meaning this is definitely an editor bug.

I'm going to talk to the engineers and get this fixed up. Thanks for letting us know!

1m ago

I just wanted to let you know that we have a fix that's been tested and approved. It'll probably go out with the next release. Thanks again for letting us know!