Artboard Size Inconsistencies
When comparing the size of an artboard and one that uses layout features, the two are close in size but they have different heights listed in the properties panel. The taller one according to the properties is the left button in the screenshot. The right is the shorter one, pasted from .svg code in Figma.
I have a row layout in the taller artboard. There is also an n-slice
It's hard to tell without seeing the .rev, but I think the difference is that one of them is set to hug, while the other is a fixed size.
Hug: The width and/or height of the layout shrinks to fit its children. For example, you may want a layout to hug a text object; resizing itself based on the length of the text inside.
I guess it would be helpful if when an artboard is set to hug, that it would display the total height of all elements being considered. This is the behavior in other software like Figma
Sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding. I thought that's what was happening. If you share the .rev, I can take a closer look.
Is there an ideal way to share it privately?