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15d ago

Turning Sound / Audio off


Is there any way to stop an audio file from playing? Currently, an audio event can be keyed to 'play', but if the audio clip is quite long, there is no way (to my knowledge) to be able to stop it.

I am using Rive extensively to create educational activities and we have some upcoming projects where we need to be able to disable audio narration for longer sound clips. Particularly if we have multiple characters of audio files on the one artboard.

Fading audio and volume control was something mentioned a while ago also.

Are you able to provide a rough indication as to if the above is still on the roadmap for upcoming releases and rough 'hopeful' time? This will help greatly with our planning of what we can make in Rive throughout this year.



3 replies
15d ago

The current version of our audio events work great for quick sound effects, but it doesn't support syncing or pausing. If you need extra control of your audio, I'd recommend managing the audio in your code instead.

11d ago

Thanks for your reply Lance. Do you anticipate that more audio controls will likely be rolled out sometime this year? Main thing for us is to weigh up if it is on the radar. If so, we will hold off on sound for the time being. Thanks. Craig.

10d ago

It's hard to say. We have a few features, including data binding, that are going to come first. I wouldn't want to make any promises.